Thai massage is a floor-based, fully clothed massage treatment that combines passive movements and stretching from the Yoga tradition with acupressure points along the meridians and compressions that provide a strong therapeutic effect, promote mobility, the opening of the tensed and restricted areas of the body, relaxation, body flexibility and muscular and stress release. Thai massage works on the subtle energy fields through its stimulation along the meridians, which is why it has a therapeutic effect.​
Please wear comfortable clothing such as yoga pants/leggings to allow a free range of movement during the treatment. ​
Thai massage is done on a traditional Thai mat, on the floor
It is recommended to eat at least 2 hours prior to a treatment to avoid feeling heavy or sick
There s no oil involved however I can apply traditional Thai herbal balm if needed.
Thai massage is done in a slow meditative and intuitive way; in order to enjoy the full benefits it is recommended to receive not less than 1+half hour of treatment.
For a demo of what my Thai massage treatment looks like, click here:​
aids in stiffness and tension release
stretches the body
can alleviate pain and discomfort
calms and relaxes
deeply soothing on the nervous system
aids in blood circulation
aids in joint mobilization thus improving the range of motion
energizing as well as calming