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Deep tissue massage works mainly on fascia and muscle.

It works on deep layers of muscle tissue and fascia; this make it particular indicated  for people with chronic muscle tension.

When muscle tension accumulates can lead to chronic pain, disrupt blood flow and circulation and cause inflammation.

Deep tissue aids in breaking down muscle adhesion, restoring normal function of the musculoskeletal system.

It is also very relaxing on the nervous system; switching it into parasympathetic mode; ( the opposite of the flight or fight response) making it suitable for people that held a hectic life style where big amount of stress is accumulated.

A session of deep tissue massage includes different techniques; 

deep, slow and long strokes done with the palms of the hands and forearms.

deep thumbing and elbows static pressure to work on specific trigger points around the area of pain and discomfort.

gentle stretches and joints mobilizations are applied in order to increase joints mobility

According to the client needs I combine all of some of these techniques.




  • help to release chronic muscle tension

  • aids in pain

  • help relaxing the nervous system

  • aids in tight shoulders and neck

  • aids in lower back pain

  • improves blood flow 

  • decreases stress level and boost mood triggering the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin (happy hormone)and oxytocin

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